Book of Hours of Isabel the Catholic, XV century (Mudejar binding)


This item is the Mudejar binding in blue goatskin, stamped in gold.

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ISBN: 9788486290320 Category:
Reference: 591TES Tags:


Original preserved in the Library of the Royal Palace of Madrid. This manuscript, jewel of the Royal Palace Library, was the wedding gift from Zaragoza to Queen Isabel the Catholic (1469). It consists of 730 pages and 3,487 miniatures (72 of them full-page). 15.5 x 21.3 cm format.

Currently the publisher who has made this extraordinary facsimile presents it in two different bindings: one, in mudéjar binding in blue goat skin, stamped in gold and without fittings, replica of the binding that currently has the codex in the Royal Palace which corresponds to this article); and another, more exclusive and also more expensive, in binding in blue goat skin with gold-plated hardware, brooch and gold cuts, replica of the original binding of the fifteenth century that was discarded by the Queen for “luxurious” (also available between our articles). The inside of both is exactly the same, only differ in binding.

The Book of Hours, defined as “Breviary of the Laity” has its origin in Paris in the fourteenth century and widely spread throughout Europe at the hands of the kings, the nobility and the rich bourgeoisie, who use it as symbol their social position. This codex known for the beauty of its iconography, which places it among the most appreciated of the call Flemish school. Its nearly 3,500 miniatures are a clear sign of luxury and prestige that reached these illuminated manuscripts.

This facsimile reproduction is of absolute fidelity to the original, not only in the iconography of bright hues, but in perfect imitation vellum, used as a support in the original. It was award for best book in the form of faxes and Bibliofilia, awarded by the Ministry of Culture. Limited and numbered notary barred in its domestic sales in both types of bindings edition.

The facsimile is presented with a luxury open box for its best conservation, and a complementary volume is included separately with a study by Ana Domínguez Rodríguez, from the Complutense University of Madrid, format 17 x 23.5 cm in paperback with dust jacket. All in perfect condition.

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