Collection of 64 minerals and 15 Gems, container boxes and folders


Wonderful, practical and instructive collection of minerals and gems (though incomplete as such) submitted on 5 container boxes with a total of 79 large pieces identified in their respective compartments, which include, among others, emeralds virgin rock and a little pot with gold foil 22 k, with certificate of origin.

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Reference: 208MGV


Wonderful, practical and instructive collection of minerals and gems (though incomplete as such) submitted on 5 container boxes with a total of 79 large pieces identified in their respective compartments, which include, among others, emeralds virgin rock and a little pot with gold foil 22 k, with certificate of origin. The complete collection includes all the following material:

4 folders 3 rings, 27.5 x 30 cm, whose individual content is as follows.:

1- Minerals, containing 163 sheets of many other minerals, with images, characteristics, origin and sites, applications and scientific data.

2- Gems, containing 58 sheets so many rocks and 88 tokens as many gems, all with pictures, information, source and sites, applications and scientific data.

3- Planet Earth, Minerals and man: 112 pages of “Planet Earth” section, and
116 pages in “Minerals and man.”

4- Secrets, Collectibles, Road: 63 records fossil; 38 pages in “Secrets of the minerals”; 50 pages in “Souvenirs” and 60 pages in “En route”.

Certificate Geomining Technological Institute of Spain in which he stated “that has provided technical cooperation for the realization of the work and found this collection of great scientific, educational and pedagogical interest. Also it certifies the legitimacy of the mineralogical nature of all samples analyzed in the collection. Madrid, July 1993 “

5 container boxes of features. (. 6 x 6 x 3 cm) 34.5 x 30 x 5 cm, transparent lid, tray with 20 holes to place each mineral or gemstone in its container box single, square and round for minerals (5.5 x 3 cm.) for gems. 4 boxes for the minerals containing 3 are 20 pieces in a row and the fourth 4 rooms and 1 box for gems with 15 pieces; collection forming a total of 64 minerals and 15 gems. Each individual container box incorporates a sticker with the name and origin of the mineral or stone.

Total weight of 5 boxes of minerals and gems: 8 kg.
Total weight of the 4 folders: 6 kgs.

List of Minerals: Adamite, Blue Agate, Aquamarine, Albita, Amethyst, Amazonite, Andalucita quiastolita, Apophyllite, Aragonite Arsenopyrite, Azurite Barite, Chalcedony, calcite, chalcopyrite, Celestina, Cerussite, kyanite, Copper, Conichalcite, Chrysocolla, Crystal rock, crocidolite, chrome diopside, smoky quartz, citrine, rose quartz, dumortierite, epidote, sphalerite, Iceland spar, stilbite, Fluorite, fuchsite, Galena, Geodino, Gohethita, Garnet, rock salt Halite, Heulandite, Homblenda, Lapis Lazuli, lepidolite, magnesite, magnetite, olivine, opal, gold, pyrite, Prehnite, Rodelita, Rodonita polished, Desert Rose, selenite, Siderite, sodalite, Talc, Taramita, Tektite, black Turnalina, Vanadinite Verdelite, Xilópalo and red plaster.

Relationship Gemstone: Agate, Carnelian, Crisopasa, Emerald, Hematite, Jadeite, Jasper, Sardinian Jasper, Labradorite, Malachite, Obsidian snowflake, tiger eye, black onyx, Unakite Turquenita and polished.

A unique opportunity at an exceptional price, to get started in the wonderful world of mineralogy, and started a collection and profuse and interesting educational information.

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