El Beato de la Seu d’Urgell y todas sus miniaturas


The Blessed of Seu d’Urgell and all his miniatures, a book of the first millennium with messages for today. 2001 edition of a complementary study on the Blessed of the Seo of Urgel, with texts in Spanish.

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ISBN: 9788488829917 Category:
Reference: 650MDS Tags:


The Blessed of Seu d’Urgell and all his miniatures, a book of the first millennium with messages for today. 2001 edition of a complementary study on the Blessed of the Seo of Urgel, with texts in Spanish.

Edition with texts in Spanish of the work “The Beatus of the Seo of Urgel and all its miniatures”, of Antonio Cagigós Soro, published by Testimony for the Diocesan Museum of Urgel in 2001.

Book bound in hardcover printed in cloth and decorated with a color plate of the miniature 83 (folio 196v), “The siege of Jerusalem”, and with a jacket. Format 24 x 32 cm. 240 illustrated pages.

This book is not the study book that accompanied the extraordinary facsimile that of this Blessed realized the publishing Testimonio of Madrid in 1997 (available in this same web); Nevertheless, it is a book that could well be considered as essential and complementary to it and of enormous interest for its understanding.

This same work is also available on this website in French and English.

The Blessed of Seu d’Urgell and all his miniatures, a book of the first millennium with messages for today, was given to Pope John Paul II. A photograph of this act is incorporated at the beginning of the book.

Whoever flies a Blessed for the first time has a bewildering feeling. He has the impression of having them with a book written in code and in a sense it is. The vertigo assails before a daring and fantastic images until the improbable thing. The representations of the Blesseds are unusual and fascinating. But above all they are symbolic.
Without symbols of interpretation the symbols can make of this book a sealed story with seven seals, that is to say, incomprehensible. Once its language is deciphered, it is an open book whose meaning transcends the time of its immediate recipients. We, too, are now its recipients. The conflicts between good and evil, persecutions, manipulations, even absolutism, have not changed so much, or at least we have them now, even if they are dressed differently.
Our Blessed de la Seu d’Urgell was written and illustrated a thousand years ago. One imagines the anonymous miniaturists of a convent, writing and painting it in the light of a candle, in the long, dark winter evenings.
In writing this book, I would just like to be a simple candle that illuminates a little the labyrinth of symbolism that is always a Blessed. A candle that projects a little light on the miniatures of the codex, and its meaning for yesterday and today. Projecting, I say, because I’m satisfied with being a diffusing mirror of light that specialists have already ignited.
(From the author’s note).

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