Incunable Book of Hours of Condotiero Ferrante d’Este, 1496


The incunable present is a very singular example of the edition of a “horae ad usum Romanum”, in Latin and French, whose impression was concluded on August 20, 1496 in the Parisian workshop of Philippe Pigouchet, commissioned by the book publisher Simon Vostre.

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ISBN: 9788493511494 Categories: ,
Reference: 629MIL Tags:


Book of Hours Incunable in Latin and French lit for the Condotiero Ferrante D’Este. This extraordinary incunabula is a very singular example of the edition of an “horae ad usum Romanum”, in Latin and French, whose impression was concluded on August 20, 1496 in the Parisian workshop of Philippe Pigouchet, commissioned by the book publisher Simon Vostre . For its uniqueness, a book that should not be missing in your library.

As in the case of handwritten hours books, this incunable is a compilation of offices and prayers for the use of the laity. As it is an incunable book of hours, it reflects a singular selection, typical of a moment of transition: it is in the second half of the fifteenth century that the presence of pious compositions begins to increase. The existence of texts in two languages ​​responds to this reality. All the essential texts are present, several of the considered secondary ones and without missing a curious sample of accessory texts as they classify the variegated group the best scholars of this type of books. It is a very special and curious book of hours, beautiful and interesting, profusely illustrated.

Loose prints and frames have finally been colored. It is, therefore, an incunable enlightened one, not miniado, whose addressee was Ferrando d’Este (1477-1540), son of Ercole d’Este (1431-1505), participant of the conspiracy of 1505, next to his Brother Giulio (natural son of the Duke) and against his other brother Alfonso I d’Este (1476-1534), the successor, Duke of Ferrara, Modena and Regio, and consequently, after being sentenced to death, would remain in Prison the last 34 years of his life.

Original preserved in the National Library of Spain (symbol I 2719).

Facsimile format 14.5 x 21 cm. 182 pages. 48 illuminations, 18 of them to full page. 182 frames built with more than 1,100 pieces of various sizes. Initials in indigo or crimson, capital letters in yellow. Special paper in parchment treated, with grammage equal to the original. Lifting, folding and hand sewing. Binding in leather, embossed in gold, nerves and gold cuts.

Book studio, format 24 x 30 cm, 120 pages, hardcover with color cover. Author Dr. Julián Martín Abad, Head of the Service of Manuscripts and Incunables of the National Library of Spain, with the collaboration of María José Rucio Zamorano.

Facsimile and volume of studies housed in an elegant box-case format 25.5 x 31.5 x 7 cm, lined in fine microfiber velvet with golden title and clasp.

Facsimile edition of 2008 with a single print run of 995 copies, numbered and authenticated by notarial deed.

Exemplary in perfect condition.

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