La Celestina, Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea, Fernando de Rojas, deluxe edition


Extraordinary and beautiful deluxe edition of the brilliant work of Spanish literature “La Celestina, Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea”, by Fernando de Rojas.

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Extraordinary and beautiful luxury edition for bibliophiles made in Madrid in 2005 by the editor Guillermo Blázquez, of the brilliant work of Spanish literature “La Celestina, Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea”, by Fernando de Rojas.

Volume of La Celestina: 220 pages, printed on parchment paper beautifully decorated with borders, initials, vignettes and 50 color plates, made by Ángel Roncero; text in gothic font. Golden cuts.
Transcription volume: 80 pages, printed on laid paper. With woodcuts taken from old illustrated editions of La Celestina.
Binding of both books in imitation suede fully decorated with dry stampings and plateresque-style gilding. Format 24 x 33 cm. Presented in a holster-type case.
Introduction, adaptation of the text, and notes by Francisco Calero.

La Celestina is one of the masterpieces of world literature. Its author gave the plot a clear moral purpose: the story of uncontrolled passion leads its protagonists, Calisto and Melibea, to an unfortunate end, full of deaths, turning the story into a terrible lesson for those who let themselves be carried away by their appetites. On the other hand, La Celestina brilliantly reflects the period of transition that Europe was experiencing at the end of the 15th century: the transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.

Limited edition of 750 numbered copies, printed and bound with artisan techniques.

New copy, brand new, sealed (the photos are of another copy).

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