Miracles of Santiago Apostle and Salvoconducto de los Reyes Católicos, s. XV


Facsimile edition made in 2004, exhausted years ago, formed by two manuscripts of the fifteenth century: Miracles of Santiago Apostle, National Library of Spain, and the “Salvoconducto de los Reyes Católicos para peregrinos”, Archivo Biblioteca Catedral de Santiago.

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ISBN: 9788489472235 Category:
Reference: 689SCR Tags:


Facsimile edition made in 2004, exhausted years ago, formed by two manuscripts of the fifteenth century in the same volume: Miracles of Santiago Apóstol, National Library of Spain, signature 7455; And the “Salvoconduction of the Catholic Monarchs for pilgrims”, Archivo Biblioteca Santiago Cathedral (Folder nº 9, nº 27).

Unique and unique edition of exclusively 450 numbered copies and accompanied by Notary Act, study book and presentation case.

The edition of the “Miracles of St. James the Apostle”, consists of the facsimile of the manuscript preserved in the National Library of Spain with the symbol 7455, belonging to the Library of the Count of Miranda; And the “Salvoconducto de los Reyes Católicos para peregrinos”, whose original is currently preserved in the Archivo Biblioteca Catedral de Santiago (Folder nº 9, nº 27). Written on paper and bound on parchment XV century, with a size of 14 x 21.5 cm. 128 pages.

The manuscript of the Miracles of St. James contains several writings:

– Apology of the city and the Apostle Santiago. Description of the same, its doors, churches, cathedral, etc.
– Guide of pilgrims and dangers to which they were exposed.
– Translation to the romance of the miracles of the apostle and the “Pseudo Turpin”, legend of Charlemagne and Roldan part of the “Carolingian Cycle” in Galician.
– Translation of Codex Calixtinus XII century, Liber Sancti Iacobi.

Accompanying the facsimile reproduction is a study book, written by Don Ramón Lorenzo Vázquez, Professor of linguistics and Galician literature at the Faculty of Philology at the University of Santiago. Author numerous awarded for his works and research works. This study book includes the complete translation of texts in Latin into Spanish, English and Galician. Bound hardcover, format 16 x 21.7 cm. 348 pages.

Both the facsimile and the study book are both presented in a box-case covered in fine blue velvet, format 19 x 27 x 7 cm.

Exemplary in perfect condition.

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