Site, Nature and Properties of the City of Mexico, Diego Cisneros, 1618


Place, nature and properties of Mexico City. Waters and winds it is subject; and Times of the Year. Need your knowledge to the practice of medicine, its uncertainty and difficulty, and for healing and for forecasts.

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ISBN: 9788472392489 Categories: , , ,
Reference: 401BCM Tags: Brand:


Edition belonging to the Library Classics of Spanish Medicine, published jointly in 1992 by the Foundation for Health Sciences and Sociedad Estatal Quinto Centenario.

Facsimile of the original 1618 printed in Mexico and written by Dr. Diego Cisneros, which is preserved in the library of the Complutense University of Madrid, preceded by a study by Dr. José Luis Peset.

Copy in perfect condition. 16.3 x 22.3 cm format. 20 pages of study over 336 pages of fax. Bound in hardcover with prints in black ink.

Place, nature and properties of Mexico City. Waters and winds it is subject; and Times of the Year. Need your knowledge to the practice of medicine, its uncertainty and difficulty, and for healing and for forecasts.

With this work the doctor will begin to separate science and belief, natural influences on admitting men, corresponding to medicine and knowledge to collaborate with her. It shows a path to modern science in the seventeenth century well known characters in the category of Siguenza or Juana Ines de la Cruz. It will affirm the freedom of human beings, ending the medieval astrology, condemning and chained to humans, and could even serve to predetermine the divine will. The drug will enter a new stage, with two characteristics of interest. On the one hand, it will rely on science enabling a broad knowledge of scientific advances, the spread and allow to reach at least a degree of objectivity and important clinical rigor. On the other, medicine becomes public (and private) task that seek to prevent the disease and seek to maintain health.

You can download a .pdf file of the National Autonomous University of Mexico from a study by Dr. Carlos Viesca Trevino about this work, by clicking right here.

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