The words of John Paul II to young people


Spanish first edition in 2004 of the Italian edition “Voi siete la luce del mondo” Ye are the light of the world.

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ISBN: 9788489957602 Categories: , ,
Reference: 500LIB


Spanish first edition in 2004 of the Italian edition “Voi siete la luce del mondo” Ye are the light of the world.

Bella edition made with a selection of words throughout his pontificate, John Paul II directed to young people.

You are the salt of the earth … You are the light of the world. Matthew 5: 13-14.

“It takes courage to walk in the direction that no one has walked so far.”

“Surely there is in life a sacred and religious value, but in no way appeals only to believers: it is a value that every human being can grasp by the light of reason, and therefore necessarily refers to all . “

Book format 16.5 x 18 cm. Hardback illustrated. 88 unnumbered pages. Illustrations by Giulia Orecchia. Mari Carmen Llenera translation.

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