Thesaurus de Remediis Secretis, Conrad Gesner, 1557-1569, Complete work


Extraordinary facsimile edition of the complete work of the Thesaurus de Remediis Secretis (The Treasury of Secret Remedies), by Conrad Gesner (1516-1565), the first part of which was published in 1557 and the second (posthumous) in 1569.

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Extraordinary facsimile edition of the complete work of the Thesaurus de Remediis Secretis (The Treasury of Secret Remedies), by Conrad Gesner (1516-1565), the first part of which was published in 1557 and the second (posthumous) in 1569.

Complete copy and in perfect condition, new, unused. If you want only one of the two parts, we can also serve it for you, contact us. This article refers to the complete work, with its two facsimiles and their corresponding large complementary study books, as well as the cases of each of the parts.

ISBN 9788471203946 Thesaurus de Remediis Secretis, pars prima.

The Treasury of Secret Remedies, a facsimile edition made in 2007 of Conrad Gesner’s work from 1557, published in Lyon. Original preserved in the Royal Library of the Monastery of El Escorial with the signature 11-VI-28. It contains 44 botanical engravings and 36 engravings of ovens, distillation apparatus and other laboratory utensils. Printed in 4 inks on specially manufactured Italian paper, in a stochastic pattern; Hand-sewn, aged, edge-gilded and hand-bound in goatskin with ribs and the Escurialense grill dry-stamped. 527 pages. Format 8.5 x 12 cm. Limited edition, numbered and authenticated with a notarial certificate of 999 copies. A very important work for doctors, pharmacists, bibliophiles and lovers of the greatest of treasures: health.

The complementary study volume includes an extensive study of the author’s life, his work and the relevance of his figure in the Scientific Renaissance. It has the complete translation into Spanish of the original in Latin, with a multitude of notes. It consists of 752 pages and 46 full-folio engravings of different publications from the Royal Library, as well as an extensive bibliography and index of cited authors. Format 23 x 32.5 cm.

Both books are delivered integrated in a practical dust bag for better conservation and placement.

For some time now, there has been an intensification of the study of science, not only as professional disciplines, but as an object of interest for the scholarly public. There is a special curiosity in knowing the scientific thought of the medieval period and, in particular, of the Renaissance era, in which the true revolution of those began, in such essential aspects of our civilization as medicine, chemistry, astronomy, botany, zoology, etc. These sciences constituted, since then, the background of modern science, at the same time that they served as a starting point for future research.

It is true that his system of thought is now outdated; But the so-called scientific humanism can still teach us, among other things, to recover the knowledge of classical antiquity and to connect directly with its scientific texts and treatises through refined editions, free of the inaccuracies and purgations of the Middle Ages. This way of doing things favored renewal at that time, although it was also constituted by extra-academic currents, particularly in the field of medicine and alchemy. For this reason, at the beginning of the 16th century, a series of changes occurred in Europe in the field of science that, in the 17th century, came to be imposed with great repercussions on modern science.

The Treasure of Secret Remedies, a work signed with the pseudonym Evónimo Filiatro, was one of those books that contributed to this scientific renewal; although for the vast majority of scholars, it remains completely unknown. Its content, saving the conditions of the time, is all the more interesting because it deals with the most precious treasure that exists: health. Perhaps for this reason, the author wanted to appropriately title his book “Treasure”, since it contains all those remedies, extracted from plants, animals and minerals, that can be useful for health. Above all, it is about obtaining the “quintessence” of each thing, intended to vivify, strengthen and rejuvenate the life of the human body, as well as contribute to its beautification.

The author considers and emphasizes it several times throughout the book, that a treasure is useless if it remains hidden in nature. Faced with many doctors of his time, greedy for some knowledge that they hid, to exclusively ensure huge benefits, our author tries to make available to everyone and, in particular, doctors and pharmacists, the Treasure of Secret Remedies, for the preservation or restoration of health. Perhaps, for this reason, he chose the pseudonym Evonym Filiatro, a name that comes from Greek and seems to mean friend of health or lover of medicine.

ISBN 9788494096020 Thesaurus de Remediis Secretis, pars secunda

Facsimile reproduced faithfully to the original, according to the original kept in the Academy of Pharmacy of Castilla y León. Includes 52 woodcut engravings of ovens, distillation apparatus and other laboratory utensils. Printed in color selection, to obtain the effect of the passage of time, on specially manufactured laid paper, subsequently aged and manipulated. Handmade goatskin binding, dry stamped on the planes, with ribs. Format 11.5 x 16.5 cm. 512 pages.

2013 edition limited to 999 copies, numbered and notarized.

The volume of studies, complementary to the facsimile edition, contains for the first time the translation into Spanish from the Latin original. Handcrafted binding in half leather with woven fabric, stamping of the plans in gold at the ruffle. Format 23.5 x 32 cm. 420 pages with 34 full-folio engravings from the collections of the Royal Library of El Escorial and the “Marqués de Valdecilla” Historical Library of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Both books, facsimile and study, are presented in a joint case in half leather and decorated fabric, format 22.2 x 33.5 x 10 cm.

The Swiss Conrad Gesner, author of the work and Renaissance man, emphasizes to us several times in the book that a treasure is useless if it remains hidden in nature; For this reason, he makes the most precious treasure that exists available to everyone, and in particular to pharmacists and doctors: Health.

The Treasury of Secret Remedies, by the Swiss doctor Conrad Gesner, was one of the main books that contributed to the scientific renewal of the Renaissance, through the inheritance received from scientific thought in medieval times.

The author considers that a treasure is useless if it remains hidden in nature. In contrast to many doctors of the 16th century, greedy for some knowledge that they hid, in order to exclusively ensure huge benefits, Conrad Gesner makes available to everyone, particularly pharmacists and doctors, the Treasury of Secret Remedies for the conservation or restoration of health. Health.

This edition corresponds to the work Thesaurus de remediis secretis, pars secunda, published by his disciple Sebastian Wolf in 1569, four years after the death of its author, and now translated for the first time into Spanish from its original Latin print.

Such a unique and valuable publication has been co-published with the Academy of Pharmacy of Castilla y León, which guards the original form. It also has the support of the General Council of Official Colleges of Pharmacists, the Council of Professional Colleges of Pharmacists of Castilla y León and the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Salamanca.

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